Lenten Service Project: Streetwise Hygiene Kit for the Homeless (Feb. 17 2024

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Event Date: 

Saturday, February 17, 2024
Streewise Hygiene kit for the homeless
As the Great Lent begins, the St. Peter’s Church started its Lenten Season hosting a series of events/activities (theme messages, question / answer sessions, lenten evening prayer, service projects, and etc).  The Lenten Service events/activities aims to strengthen the relationship between Christ and our church members.  During the evening of Saturday, February 17th, the members of St. Peter's gathered to listen to Fr. Shiryl Mathai speak about the overall theme of this Lenten Season, "The King will reply, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Mathew 25:40).  Fr. Shiryl’s message conveyed the overall theme in a manner that was practical to everyday life.   
In addition to the guest speaker message, the church partnered with the StreetWise Chicago Organization (www.streetwise.org) to create hygiene kits for Chicago's homeless population.  The 200 kits that were created on this day will be given to those in need to have basic hygiene supplies in order for them to feel refreshed each day.  The group had an amazing and blessed time together and looks forward to more opportunities to serve this Lenten season.