“In children we have a great charge committed to us. Let us bestow great care upon them, and do everything that the Evil One may not rob us of them.” – St John Chrysostom (Mor Ivanios)
Welcome faithful campers! This year we’ll be going to Camp Discovery, VBS 2015 at St. Peter’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, Northlake. We will be kicking off our new Sunday School year camping, learning how our Savior, Jesus Christ, works through us! In past years our we have been sea creatures, space cadets, cowboys, and sailors, enjoying each other’s company and learning more about our God. As those who have joined us before know, St. Peter’s spends 3 days every year in games, crafts, lessons, songs, and prayers to Christ our God.
This year, in Camp Discovery, our students will discover His plan and purpose. In Camp Discovery, your children will learn that Jesus works in and through us! They’ll look into the Scriptures, explore five “tree-mendous” Bible accounts, sing, play, make crafts and pray. Through all this, we’ll learn that Jesus saves us and gives us faith, courage, and wisdom to help our family, friends, and neighbors and to give God glory right now! God has a plan and a purpose for us!
VBS will take place Friday to Sunday, August 7-9, 2015. Friday and Saturday will be full days entailing class times, crafts, games, songs, food, and prayer. On Sunday, we will celebrate the Eucharistic liturgy together, as a family, followed by a presentation by the children about what they learned at VBS. We hope that your family will be a part of this annual celebration of our children. Furthermore, if it is in your heart to help us in any capacity those three days, St. Peter’s would be grateful to you. Those who have been involved in VBS in any way in the previous years know how big a blessing our children are to our family. VBS hopes to mold their young hearts for Christ and His Church.
WHAT: VBS 2015
WHEN: AUGUST 7-9, 2015
Use the link below to register your children. Thanks and see you all at VBS!
Click Here for VBS Registration