Movie Night - Letters to God

Letters to God

Recently, in an attempt to increase fellowship between the Youth and the Young Adults, the leaders of each group came together and planned a joint Movie Night. We decided to hold it at church and have a potluck dinner afterwards in order to spend as much time as possible getting to know each other. That Saturday night, as people started arriving, we realized that we had an overabundance of food, but hey, better safe than sorry. We prayed and then spent the first two hours or so eating away till our stomachs couldn’t take anymore. It was a great opportunity for the youth and young adults to get out of their comfort zones and mingle with each other. Many of us were surprised about how much we all had in common and how much we could relate to each other.

After dinner was over, we headed into the church to watch “Letters to God,” a family Christian movie about a young boy who's fighting cancer. He writes letters to God, touching lives in his neighborhood and community and inspiring hope among everyone he comes in contact with. An unsuspecting postman, with a troubled life of his own, becomes entangled in the boy's journey and his family by reading the letters. They inspire him to seek a better life for himself and his own son he's lost through his alcohol addiction.

As hinted by the above description, this movie was very powerful in its message and brought tears to many of our eyes. After it was over, we enjoyed some last minute dessert and packed the rest of food to either take home or leave for the rest of our church members. After taking part in such a blessed event, it’s become clear that the Youth and the Young Adults will continue to meet regularly to coordinate activities to build fellowship and relations, while glorifying God in all that we do together.

Event Date: June 7, 2014
